Decorating ideas are everywhere. Sometimes ideas come from nature, magazine articles, another home, or online from Pinterest.
Premiere Home Stagers have been noticing a trend of decorating with chevron stripes. According to Wikipedia, A chevron (also spelled cheveron) is an inverted V-shaped pattern. The word is usually used in reference to a kind of fret in architecture, or to a badge or insignia used in military or police uniforms to indicate rank or length of service, or in heraldry and the designs of flags. We have seen it’s use in pillows, bedspreads, wall paint, rugs, tile, fabric, and flooring. This is a style that will have its “15 minutes of fame” and then be replaced by the next fad. (All photos from in the home décor section).
Another decorating style we have been seeing is the monochromatic style where the furniture and accessories are all shades of the same color. (All photos from Pinterest)
Then you have the decorating that is “out there” or done for a specific taste or location. (All photos from Pinterest)
Whatever your style, you can find lots of ideas to incorporate into your own home décor. My favorite Pinterest site is the DIY section. If we can save some money by doing it ourselves, then we pass that savings along to our clients. We routinely use spray paint 0r reupholster furniture to change out a look. (All photos from Pinterest).
Home decorating doesn’t have to cost a lot to give you the look you desire. It’s better not to have everything match. You want a style that looks like it has evolved over time. Need help pulling things together or rearranging the items you love? Call Premiere Home Stagers at 608-345-9396. We’ve got just the idea for you!