Does a trip to the paint store feel like a daunting experience? Confronting this wall of paint chips to choose the one perfect color for a room can be overwhelming!
Last week Premiere Home Stagers was contacted to serve as color experts in Madison area Ace Hardware stores. Our services were offered to customers as they entered the paint department to make a color selection.
Some customers arrived with samples of other elements in the room, like tile, and some with photos of an area. All were pleasantly surprised to have the opportunity to discuss color possibilities with us.
Each customer left with more confidence in selecting a paint color for their home. Because there is usually more than one perfect choice, we offered a couple color options from which to choose.
Ace’s new line of paint and primer in one, Clark+Kensington, was easy to work with. Every color works with any other color in the palette.
If only this service were available every day in every paint department. Is choosing a paint color daunting for you? Premiere Home Stagers would love to help — 608-217-8058.