I’ve been contemplating what to paint my front door for about 8 months now, ever since I noticed the stain touch-ups were not covering up the bare spots on the steel door. So, I either needed to take it to a professional and have it stripped and then re-stained, or I could paint it.  I chose to paint it, but what color?


I originally thought a blue color would be nice to have the front door really stand out.  But after looking at the stone next to the door and the cedar on the next level, it came down to these two choices:  either paint it to match the cedar or paint it to coordinate with the stone.



I painted it to coordinate with the stone. It is brighter, but not too different, which is what I wanted.  Because the front door is the welcoming portion of your home, you have many choices on what statement you wish to make. I love red doors, green doors, or even black doors, but I wanted something more subtle.



Because of the siding, stone, and cedar all within the same plane, I felt it was already  busy with color and texture without adding yet another color.  A grey color would have worked just as well. However, I like the brightness of the mustard “curry” color.  The door mat will be replaced when I find something compatible.



Premiere Home Stagers loves to help clients with their color selections.  I also consulted with a professional designer when choosing my interior paint scheme. I am glad I did because I never would have chosen the colors she did–which I love.  Sometimes it takes a neutral person to see things differently.  Let us help you with your choices.  Call us at 608-345-9396.