
My Cottage Warehouse


A vacant home stager needs to have an inventory of furniture and accessories.  Stagers in large cities have access to companies that rent out furniture.  Even so, those stagers still need a place to house their accessories, artwork, or furnishings.  There are no rental companies in my city, so my inventory consists of both [...]

My Cottage Warehouse2019-09-17T12:56:03-05:00

Making Electricity


Do you know where your electricity comes from or how it is made?  You would be surprised to learn that perhaps your local utility is only the "flow-through" mechanism. Your electricity probably comes from a much larger power plant farther away. A few of us received a personal tour from the project manager of [...]

Making Electricity2019-09-05T21:50:10-05:00

How to Sell Your House FAST


The house was listed on a Wednesday afternoon.  The showing requests started coming in almost immediately.  Most showings took place on Thursday, and a contract was signed on Friday. So what makes some houses sell so fast whereas other languish? Location The house is located in a desirable, close-knit community where neighbors know [...]

How to Sell Your House FAST2019-08-17T19:36:02-05:00

Home Design Trends


Click on the link to view the article from 10 Home Design Trends on the Rise  

Home Design Trends2019-08-07T12:18:39-05:00

What to Repair before you List


When you’re getting ready to list your home, it’s of the upmost importance to ensure you are showing it in the best light. Taking time to highlight its strengths and fix up some of its possible weaknesses can make a big difference in how fast it sells. Here are our top five recommended repairs [...]

What to Repair before you List2019-07-22T15:41:42-05:00

European Homes


I recently returned from a European vacation, visiting former exchange students and their families.  My husband and I enjoyed warm hospitality and knowledge about their respective country's histories.  The world becomes smaller and more personal when these exchanges occur. Some perspectives include the high level of efficient public transportation (buses & trains); a "mediterranean" [...]

European Homes2019-07-10T13:57:03-05:00

Choosing Exterior Colors


Exterior Paint Colors Choosing an exterior paint color can affect your entire neighborhood.  There is usually a house in your neighborhood that everyone knows because of its garish exterior color.  Perhaps pink, purple, or neon colors.  You know the one.  You know it doesn't blend in with its surroundings. Which means it was the [...]

Choosing Exterior Colors2019-06-18T17:31:33-05:00

Home Staging with a View


Home stagers know how to place furniture that addresses the focal point of the room.  However, when the focal point is the view outside, the interior focal point becomes secondary.  You need to address both. A lot of time, the curb appeal is lacking with a lake or river house. Notice no windows on [...]

Home Staging with a View2019-06-04T14:34:31-05:00

Staging an Estate


The Executor A person's relative passed away and she was designated the executor of the estate.  What does that mean?  An executor distributes the deceased person's property and arranges for payment of estate debts and expenses. Specific duties include: choosing the type of probate, filing the will for probate, setting up an account for [...]

Staging an Estate2019-05-29T14:38:24-05:00

Get Your House Ready to Sell


The question comes up every time a homeowner wishes to sell their house.  What should I do to get my house ready to sell?  There are very few times a homeowner should sell their house in "as is" condition.  You will leave significant money on the table.  However, sometimes it is very necessary to [...]

Get Your House Ready to Sell2019-05-03T15:55:20-05:00
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