
Searching for a “Goldilocks” Home?


You know the fairy tale, "Goldilocks and the three Bears."  Goldilocks is looking for the perfect circumstances--the porridge being just the right temperature, the chair being just the right size, and the bed being just the right softness.  However, she doesn't own these items, the three bears do.  My job as a Realtor is [...]

Searching for a “Goldilocks” Home?2023-01-26T15:27:26-06:00

Holiday Decorating a Supper Club


Delaney's is a supper club on the west side of Madison, WI.  A number of years ago, Premiere Stagers was asked to refresh the restaurant with updated flooring, paint, lighting, and wall art.  We also procured some light Christmas decorating.  Fast forward some years later when we were asked to update the holiday decorating.  [...]

Holiday Decorating a Supper Club2023-01-05T17:13:33-06:00

Down-sizing to a 1-Bedroom Unit


Do you really need all that stuff?  During our working years, most people accumulate things like clothes, the latest technology or  culinary gadgets, household tools, souvenirs, and trinkets.  As we age, we work less and believe relationships are more important than things--especially during the COVID years when being with others was limited.  You eventually [...]

Down-sizing to a 1-Bedroom Unit2022-11-11T13:51:26-06:00

My Grandmother’s Door in Sicily


I recently returned from a Solo Tour of Sicily.  I arrived a day early to visit relatives of my Grandmother who immigrated to America in 1914.  I never knew if my Grandmother had siblings left behind in Piana degli Albanesi, Sicily.  Due to and Facebook, plus other relatives, I was able to meet [...]

My Grandmother’s Door in Sicily2022-09-19T15:40:56-05:00

Home Staging an Occupied Property


My policy has always been NOT to stage an occupied property with my furniture and accessories, but to use whatever the homeowner has.  What could go wrong you say?  Plenty.  When someone is living in the house, you can't expect them not to use what is there.  Even if they promise to be careful, [...]

Home Staging an Occupied Property2022-08-04T14:46:53-05:00

Design Changes Affected by COVID


These last few years, almost everything has been affected by the COVID-19 virus.  For developers, architects, and designers, COVID has changed the way they design, remodel, or construct buildings. For example, in offices, there is more distance between work stations.  There are plexiglass dividers, movable walls, and improved traffic flow around work areas.  The [...]

Design Changes Affected by COVID2022-07-07T17:23:52-05:00

Southwest Living Style


Our family recently traveled to Tucson, Arizona for a vacation. Not only was the climate different from Wisconsin, but the housing and landscaping was as well. Some years ago, there was a decorating style called "Southwest." Wall paint colors were rusts, yellows, browns, and turquoise. These colors work well in the desert, but I am [...]

Southwest Living Style2022-06-05T22:04:40-05:00

Make your Yard & Home Bug-Free


Be the home on the block that bugs run from. A lush spot for outdoor entertaining? Great. Perfect. A constant swarm of insects that invade your patio and home? No, thank you. Here’s how to keep bugs away from your patio and yard, and from getting inside your house. #1 Install Patio Fans Mosquitos may [...]

Make your Yard & Home Bug-Free2022-04-25T14:37:31-05:00

Real Estate Investing


I was recently asked about real estate investing. What are the investment types, the pros/cons, and if it made financial sense.  So, let's go over some of these items taken from   by Katie Braun, Feb. 2022. Here are four of the main methods of real estate investing:  Owning Rental Property You can buy [...]

Real Estate Investing2022-02-23T13:55:19-06:00

Do you Qualify as a First-Time Home Buyer?


You qualify as a first-time home buyer if you haven't owned or co-owned a home within the past three years. First-time buyers still have to meet mortgage lender qualification requirements. The lender may be more flexible, but it will still look at your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and available down payment.  You can qualify [...]

Do you Qualify as a First-Time Home Buyer?2022-02-15T13:00:21-06:00
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