Last week Premiere Home Stagers returned to a client’s home to consult on a couple new areas — the office and the master bedroom.

Furniture placement was the presenting issue in the master bedroom.  The homeowners were looking for a fresh look and we were happy to oblige.

We often begin by visualizing the room without furniture and then mentally experiment with different arrangements.  Then we measure to ensure that our desired arrangement is feasible.

As we discussed our ideas with the homeowners they casually asked about the feng shui of the space.   As home stagers, feng shui is generally outside our realm of expertise.  Their question, however, made me wonder how our use of design principles would mesh with feng shui, so I did a little research.

Feng shui is both art and science that seeks to maximize health and well-being by balancing the energy in a space .

In a bedroom tranquility is achieved by removing electronics (TV, computer, etc.), exercise equipment and work spaces.  The function of the room is relaxation and sleep.  Lights should be dimmed and walls are best if “skin-colored”.  The bed must be balanced by a table on either side and a solid wall behind.  So far … so good as far as meshing with design.

Where our design for this master bedroom differed was on the placement of the bed.  This room is a perfect candidate to place the bed on the wall opposite the door, thus making it the focal point of the room.

The symmetry of the windows on this wall would frame the bed.  The softness and pattern of a comforter would provide needed contrast to the wood furniture, and would be inviting when entering the bedroom.  The room would feel balanced.

Feng shui disagrees.  This bed placement is apparently not optimal for energy in a bedroom.

We still recommend this arrangement but, as always, the final decision is the homeowner’s.  For us, aesthetics wins out over science.