
A trip to Tennessee during spring break this year was both educational and entertaining. Yes, Elvis has left the building.

There is a mixture of both old and new architecture as one would expect in an older city experiencing some revitalization.

FedEx Forum

The FedEx Forum was built in a downtown area that was run-down. Now people coming to see events like sports or concerts can stop at the many shops, restaurants, and bars featuring local musicians.

Tradition is still upheld.  For example, for the last 80 years, the ducks have been parading into and out of the Peabody Hotel fountain. It is indeed a boon to area businesses to wait for the 11am entrance and 5pm exit of the ducks.

Peabody Hotel Ducks

One of the many hospitals in the Memphis area, St. Jude Children’s Hospital is a massive undertaking, treating sick children and housing their families for free. The tour guide says it takes $1.7 million per day to fund all its activities.

St. Jude Visitor Center Dome

St. Jude Hospital











There are places to sit and converse over a cup of coffee or listen to music coming out of the many street venues.  Memphis is conveniently located on the Mississippi River and its nickname is “The River City.” You can cross the bridge over to Arkansas, or head south and be in Mississippi all within a matter of minutes.

Memphis Square

A trolley can take you through the downtown area or drop you off at the river parks.

Seeing how other cities define themselves through their history and tradition, makes for a rich educational experience.