Its been a busy week at Premiere Home Stagers as we prepare to enhance two more vacant homes. The great news is that, once staged, these homes will sell faster and for more money. A condo we staged a month ago is already off the market. More on that later.
This vacant home is not going on the market until staged. This buyer is serious about maximizing the potential of his property.
In an empty space a buyer’s eye is usually drawn to the negatives. In this case, wear on the hardwood floors and the tired draperies are what call attention.
We have devised a plan to enhance the features of this home. But first, some additional items are needed. Our inventory grows a bit with each vacant staging project as we select pieces that are unique to each space. This particular shopping trip was preparation for both upcoming staging projects so the list was long.
Next on the list is set-up — organizing furnishings and accessories to be transported to the home. With list in hand we check off the big items but then must select the appropriate accessories to harmonize. Once in a while something is forgotten, but usually we have what we need.
This project will be completed over the weekend and we’ll update you with the finished product next week.